Tuesday, October 21, 2008

let's try this again...

So my first posting was definitely a lazy outlook on my "undecided" opinion on the upcoming election. I'm gonna have to take some responsibility here and actually research the election and which issues pertain to my life and how they will become incorporated in my future.

I'll start with the war in Iraq. Although this is a touchy subject, and many people have their unwavering opinions on it, I feel there is a need to understand both Obama and McCain's views on the war to make the most informed decision possible. With that said...

Obama believes the Iraqis should take responsibility for their own government, and he would like to have most troops withdrawn from Iraq by the summer of 2010. Since the withdrawl of troops would be so quick, the government in Iraq might not be as stable as desired, especially with the Iraqi election in 2009.

On the other hand, McCain believes that we must keep helping the stabilization of Iraq's government. U.S. troops will stay in Iraq until they can govern themselves, although he does mention that the withdrawl of our troops should start around 2013. Keeping a continuous flow of U.S. troops in Iraq would help make the country more secure, but it'll cost the U.S. hundreds of billions more dollars...

So the question is: What is the causal relationship, if any, between the war in Iraq and our government's involvement? Or more specifically, what is the causal relationship between Iraq's ability to self-govern and the need for our own government's help? Should we spend billions of dollars to help another country govern itself? Or should we just let them help themselves?

Oh the dilemma...

Thursday, October 16, 2008

no bias, no bull

hey all!

my name's Francesca and this is where everything you thought you knew about politics, and the upcoming election, is about to get intense with some serious thought. don't get me wrong, I'm not trying to sway anyone to Obama's side or McCain's side, I'm just trying to figure out the issues both parties represent and the way they will influence our daily lives for the next four years, or longer, with no bias, no bull. i just want everyone to put aside party influence, parental influence, whatever, so we can figure out each side of the election together, keeping personal bias out of our little discussion whenever possible.

so with that said....

I'm basically here to find the causal relationship between the upcoming presidential election and the issues that surround each campaign. for example, what is the causal relationship, if any, between Obama's campaign and women's rights?? this is just one example of how we need to break down a few key issues with the election and then anyone and everyone is free to comment on my, or each others', comments from there...